
Vakuum Raum

Galerie Eigenheim, Weimar

False colour image combination of infrared light gas in the cloud surrounding involving many, hot massive ammonia pink ice crystals penetrate the shroud of cooler gas sky survey blue from bubbles and cavities have been created by radiations. The same scale made of purple filaments of glowing dust and orange emissions with tentacles dangling below and the left of centre appears in this intriguing stellar nursery. Easy to find with a mosaic telescope the remnant of the collapsed stellar core is visible with green, ultraviolet spectral filters to enhance colour views.” (Saverio Tonoli)

The Shrimp Nebula is a panoramic painting that displays a spacescape, based on astrophysics recent discoveries, as well as a fragment of an underwater environment. The landscape is conceived as something independent of a stable ground, not necessarily reliant on gravity and without the obliged horizontal axis of the horizon. A clockwork-planetarian system, which depicts interconnected universes with dancing shrimps, floats in the surroundings.
The Shrimp Nebula investigates the correspondence between micro and macro, the use of layers and coatings as being multiple compressed dimensions, the gravity variations, the deformation and aberration of colours due to the folded paper technique and the alternation of ink washes, brushwork, printing.